Pier D2 and E Damage by Bahri Tabuk

DOCUMENTS 11388 Specs 11388 Drawings Notice of Intent to Award SCHEDULE Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting: Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. between Piers E and D2 on the Main Docks Facility. Bid Opening: Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 2:00 pm at the International Trade Center, 250 North Water Street, 1st Floor – Killian Room, Mobile,…

Alabama Port Authority Competing for EPA Grant to Support Emissions – Reduction Efforts at the Port of Mobile

Alabama Port Authority Competing for EPA Grant to Support Emissions-Reduction Efforts at the Port of Mobile The POWER Project Would Support Maritime Industry Efforts to Reduce Emissions.   MOBILE, ALA. – June 6, 2024. The Alabama Port Authority today announced its application for a federal grant to launch a major emissions reduction effort at Port…